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Is a Great Dane for me?

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What is a reputable breeder?

- Breeders will health test with OFA

- Show their dogs in conformation and/or dog sports aligned with the Canadian Kennel Club

- Have a life time support and return policy

How do I apply for a Great Dane puppy?

For those inquiring to have a Great Dane join your home please read on, for those curious how to find the right breeder this may be for you.

Placement of puppies or retired show dogs for myself is a process. It takes time and I am glad for that as it’s as serious a responsibility as adopting a child. They are living beings and a part of my family and soul.

The first place to start is by contacting myself via email ( ), message on facebook, or phone call. I do prefer an email or message as I do run a house day to day, and prefer to be able to give my undivided attention to the caller. We will eventually speak as this comes later in the process.

Once I receive an email from you, I will return a questionnaire for you to complete. Once I receive your completed questionnaire I will likely have more questions and conversation to follow. This begins us getting to know one another. This is very important as we both need to be able to work together and have conversations for the life of the Great Dane. If you have questions ask the question.

If I feel you are a great placement I will share with you the terms of my placement agreement. If you have questions about the agreement ask for clarity. If this agreement is not something you can follow then I am not the breeder for you. I will ask for photos of your home and yard, references to be shared. If you are not willing to share these things, I am not the breeder for you. A time for a phone call will be arranged, following that I will make a decision and ask if you would like to be placed on the wait list.

I have a lot of people ask “how long my wait list is?" and because it's not 1 or 2, they feel it best to check else where. I am glad of that, because if you feel getting a dog is as simple as going out and buying one, you're not the placement for me. I do not require anyone on my wait list to take the puppy if they are not ready at that time. I actually very much prefer that you do not and wait for the next litter or when you are ready. My advice is for you to reach out to multiple breeders and see who fits best with you! A breeder list can be found on most purebred club websites the Great Danes website is


Where can I find more information on Great Danes?We


When is your next litter planned?

Breeding plans.png

Summer 2024

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